Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Insurance wars

When I purchased my new car a couple years ago I was not aware of the war going on between insurance companies.  Now I receive a steady stream of fuel for my furnace in the mail weekly from the companies still trying to give me the best deal.  Yes I did save hundreds a year by switching to a new insurance.  But I doubt anyone can beat the deal I have right now, and it is not possible for me to save 400$ a year unless they give it to me for free.
    What I am frustrated with is the commercials.  Is it necessary to destroy perfectly good vehicles in order to show that bad things happen to people?  And do we need to be hammered by them constantly by having a few of them played in a row during a commercial session *cough* State Farm?
    The only one that brings joy to my heart is the new series of Allstate commercials.  Yes Mayhem, I am peaked with curiosity at what kind of destruction you can cause people.  You are so straight forward and your I'm-going-to-screw-you-too grin is delightful.  I actually look forward to seeing what horrible thing is happening to my fellow Americans in your ads.  Way to go on the scruffy stubble look there Mayhem.  You are super charming and slightly addictive.  Bonus points to Allstate for thinking of something better than deep voice sells.
     Another point is that this series appears to be specifically aimed at women who are into scruffy looking men.  It seems to me that women do most of the insurance shopping for their families.  The commercial focuses on a woman's paranoia of everything that can possibly go wrong and sugar coats it with an attractive man who assures you with a twisted grin that all things terrible can be cured by purchasing this insurance.  Tough it out Mayhem, you are battling Flo here; it's going to be a long war.
(still secretly roots for Flo)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Ah yes, the insurance commercials. I kind of like the ones for The General. Simple, straightforward, no bashing. And it is a good company.
